Source code for topoembedx.classes.higher_order_laplacian_eigenmaps

"""Higher Order Laplacian Eigenmaps."""

from typing import Literal

import networkx as nx
import numpy as np
import toponetx as tnx
from karateclub import LaplacianEigenmaps
from scipy.sparse import csr_matrix

from topoembedx.neighborhood import neighborhood_from_complex

[docs] class HigherOrderLaplacianEigenmaps(LaplacianEigenmaps): """Class for Higher Order Laplacian Eigenmaps. Parameters ---------- dimensions : int, default=3 Dimensionality of embedding. maximum_number_of_iterations : int, default=100 Maximum number of iterations. seed : int, default=42 Random seed value. """ A: csr_matrix ind: list def __init__( self, dimensions: int = 3, maximum_number_of_iterations: int = 100, seed: int = 42, ): super().__init__(dimensions=dimensions, seed=seed) self.maximum_number_of_iterations = maximum_number_of_iterations
[docs] def fit( self, complex: tnx.Complex, neighborhood_type: Literal["adj", "coadj"] = "adj", neighborhood_dim=None, ) -> None: """Fit a Higher Order Laplacian Eigenmaps model. Parameters ---------- complex : toponetx.classes.Complex A complex object. The complex object can be one of the following: - CellComplex - CombinatorialComplex - PathComplex - SimplicialComplex - ColoredHyperGraph neighborhood_type : {"adj", "coadj"}, default="adj" The type of neighborhood to compute. "adj" for adjacency matrix, "coadj" for coadjacency matrix. neighborhood_dim : dict The integer parmaters needed to specify the neighborhood of the cells to generate the embedding. In TopoNetX (co)adjacency neighborhood matrices are specified via one or two parameters. - For Cell/Simplicial/Path complexes (co)adjacency matrix is specified by a single parameter, this is precisely neighborhood_dim["rank"]. - For Combinatorial/ColoredHyperGraph the (co)adjacency matrix is specified by a single parameter, this is precisely neighborhood_dim["rank"] and neighborhood_dim["via_rank"]. Notes ----- Here neighborhood_dim={"rank": 1, "via_rank": -1} specifies the dimension for which the cell embeddings are going to be computed. "rank": 1 means that the embeddings will be computed for the first dimension. The integer "via_rank": -1 is ignored when the input is cell/simplicial complex and must be specified when the input complex is a combinatorial complex or colored hypergraph. """ self.ind, self.A = neighborhood_from_complex( complex, neighborhood_type, neighborhood_dim ) self.A.setdiag(1) g = nx.from_numpy_array(self.A) super().fit(g)
[docs] def get_embedding(self, get_dict: bool = False) -> dict | np.ndarray: """Get embeddings. Parameters ---------- get_dict : bool, default=False Whether to return a dictionary of the embedding. Returns ------- dict or np.ndarray The embedding of the complex. """ emb = super().get_embedding() if get_dict: return dict(zip(self.ind, emb, strict=True)) return emb