Source code for topomodelx.nn.simplicial.scnn_layer

"""Simplicial Convolutional Neural Network Layer."""
import torch
from torch.nn.parameter import Parameter

[docs] class SCNNLayer(torch.nn.Module): r"""Layer of a Simplicial Convolutional Neural Network (SCNN) [1]_. Notes ----- This is Implementation of the SCNN layer. Parameters ---------- in_channels : int Dimension of input features. out_channels : int Dimension of output features. conv_order : int The order of the convolutions. if conv_order == 0: the corresponding convolution is not performed. - down: for the lower convolutions. - up: for the upper convolutions. Examples -------- Here we provide an example of pseudocode for SCNN layer input X: [n_simplices, in_channels] Lap_down, Lap_up: [n_simplices, n_simplices] conv_order_down: int, e.g., 2 conv_order_up: int, e.g., 2 output Y: [n_simplices, out_channels] SCNN layer looks like: Y = torch.einsum(concat(X, Lap_down@X, Lap_down@Lap_down@X, Lap_up@X, Lap_up@Lap_up@X), weight) where - weight is the trainable parameters of dimension [out_channels,in_channels, total_order] - total_order = 1 + conv_order_down + conv_order_up - to implement Lap_down@Lap_down@X, we consider chebyshev method to avoid matrix@matrix computation References ---------- .. [1] Yang, Isufi and Leus. Simplicial Convolutional Neural Networks (2021). .. [2] Papillon, Sanborn, Hajij, Miolane. Equations of topological neural networks (2023). .. [3] Papillon, Sanborn, Hajij, Miolane. Architectures of topological deep learning: a survey on topological neural networks (2023). """ def __init__( self, in_channels, out_channels, conv_order_down, conv_order_up, aggr_norm: bool = False, update_func=None, initialization: str = "xavier_uniform", ) -> None: super().__init__() self.in_channels = in_channels self.out_channels = out_channels self.conv_order_down = conv_order_down self.conv_order_up = conv_order_up self.aggr_norm = aggr_norm self.update_func = update_func self.initialization = initialization assert initialization in ["xavier_uniform", "xavier_normal"] self.weight = Parameter( torch.Tensor( self.in_channels, self.out_channels, 1 + self.conv_order_down + self.conv_order_up, ) ) self.reset_parameters()
[docs] def reset_parameters(self, gain: float = 1.414) -> None: r"""Reset learnable parameters. Notes ----- This function will be called by subclasses of MessagePassing that have trainable weights. Parameters ---------- gain : float Gain for the weight initialization. """ if self.initialization == "xavier_uniform": torch.nn.init.xavier_uniform_(self.weight, gain=gain)
[docs] def aggr_norm_func(self, conv_operator, x): r"""Perform aggregation normalization.""" neighborhood_size = torch.sum(conv_operator.to_dense(), dim=1) neighborhood_size_inv = 1 / neighborhood_size neighborhood_size_inv[~(torch.isfinite(neighborhood_size_inv))] = 0 x = torch.einsum("i,ij->ij ", neighborhood_size_inv, x) x[~torch.isfinite(x)] = 0 return x
[docs] def update(self, x): """Update embeddings on each cell (step 4). Parameters ---------- x : torch.Tensor, shape = (n_target_cells, out_channels) Output features on target cells. Returns ------- torch.Tensor, shape = (n_target_cells, out_channels) Updated output features on target cells. """ if self.update_func == "sigmoid": return torch.sigmoid(x) if self.update_func == "relu": return torch.nn.functional.relu(x) return None
[docs] def chebyshev_conv(self, conv_operator, conv_order, x): r"""Perform Chebyshev convolution. Parameters ---------- conv_operator : torch.sparse, shape = (n_simplices,n_simplices) Convolution operator e.g. adjacency matrix or the Hodge Laplacians. conv_order : int The order of the convolution x : torch.Tensor, shape = (n_simplices,num_channels) Input feature tensor. Return ------ torch.Tensor Output tensor, x[:,:,k] = (conv_operator@....@conv_operator) @ x. """ num_simplices, num_channels = x.shape X = torch.empty(size=(num_simplices, num_channels, conv_order)) X[:, :, 0] =, x) for k in range(1, conv_order): X[:, :, k] =, X[:, :, k - 1]) if self.aggr_norm: X[:, :, k] = self.aggr_norm_func(conv_operator, X[:, :, k]) return X
[docs] def forward(self, x, laplacian_down, laplacian_up): r"""Forward computation ([2]_ and [3]_). .. math:: \begin{align*} &🟥 \quad m_{y \rightarrow \{z\} \rightarrow x}^{p,u,(1 \rightarrow 2 \rightarrow 1)} = ((L_{\uparrow,1})^u)\_{xy} \cdot h_y^{t,(1)} \cdot (\alpha^{t, p, u} \cdot I)\\ &🟥 \quad m_{y \rightarrow \{z\} \rightarrow x}^{p,d,(1 \rightarrow 0 \rightarrow 1)} = ((L_{\downarrow,1})^d)\_{xy} \cdot h_y^{t,(1)} \cdot (\alpha^{t, p, d} \cdot I)\\ &🟥 \quad m^{(1 \rightarrow 1)}\_{x \rightarrow x} = \alpha \cdot h_x^{t, (1)}\\ &🟧 \quad m_{x}^{p,u,(1 \rightarrow 2 \rightarrow 1)} = \sum_{y \in \mathcal{L}\_\uparrow(X)}m_{y \rightarrow \{z\} \rightarrow x}^{p,u,(1 \rightarrow 2 \rightarrow 1)}\\ &🟧 \quad m_{x}^{p,d,(1 \rightarrow 0 \rightarrow 1)} = \sum_{y \in \mathcal{L}\_\downarrow(X)}m_{y \rightarrow \{z\} \rightarrow x}^{p,d,(1 \rightarrow 0 \rightarrow 1)}\\ &🟧 \quad m^{(1 \rightarrow 1)}\_{x} = m^{(1 \rightarrow 1)}\_{x \rightarrow x}\\ &🟩 \quad m_x^{(1)} = m_x^{(1 \rightarrow 1)} + \sum_{p=1}^P( \sum_{u=1}^{U} m_{x}^{p,u,(1 \rightarrow 2 \rightarrow 1)} + \sum_{d=1}^{D} m_{x}^{p,d,(1 \rightarrow 0 \rightarrow 1)})\\ &🟦 \quad h_x^{t+1, (1)} = \sigma(m_x^{(1)}) \end{align*} Parameters ---------- x: torch.Tensor, shape = (n_simplex,in_channels) Input features on the simplices, e.g., nodes, edges, triangles, etc. laplacian: torch.sparse, shape = (n_simplices,n_simplices) The Hodge Laplacian matrix. Can also be adjacency matrix, lower part, or upper part. Returns ------- torch.Tensor, shape = (n_edges, channels) Output features on the edges of the simplical complex. """ num_simplices, _ = x.shape identity = torch.eye(num_simplices) x_identity = torch.unsqueeze(identity @ x, 2) if self.conv_order_down > 0 and self.conv_order_up > 0: x_down = self.chebyshev_conv(laplacian_down, self.conv_order_down, x) x_up = self.chebyshev_conv(laplacian_up, self.conv_order_up, x) x =, x_down, x_up), 2) elif self.conv_order_down > 0 and self.conv_order_up == 0: x_down = self.chebyshev_conv(laplacian_down, self.conv_order_down, x) x =, x_down), 2) elif self.conv_order_down == 0 and self.conv_order_up > 0: x_up = self.chebyshev_conv(laplacian_up, self.conv_order_up, x) x =, x_up), 2) y = torch.einsum("nik,iok->no", x, self.weight) if self.update_func is None: return y return self.update(y)