Cell Complexes#

In this tutorial, you will learn about cell complexes in TopoNetX, which are mathematical structures that can be depicted like this:

[ ]:
from IPython.display import Image

import toponetx as tnx




Cell Complex#

The General Definition of a Cell Complex:#

The general definition of a cell complex is a mathematical structure that is used in algebraic topology and geometry. It is constructed from simple building blocks called cells. The cells are generalized versions of familiar geometric shapes, such as points, line segments, triangles, and disks.

A cell complex is defined by specifying how these cells are glued together. The gluing process involves attaching lower-dimensional cells to higher-dimensional ones according to certain rules or attaching maps. This gluing process allows for the creation of more complex geometrical objects.

Formally, a cell complex is defined as follows:

A cell complex is a topological space \(X\) equipped with a collection of cells \(\{e_\alpha\}\) satisfying the following conditions:

  1. Disjoint Union: The space \(X\) is the disjoint union of the cells \(\{e_\alpha\}\).

  2. Homeomorphisms: Each cell \(e_\alpha\) is homeomorphic to a standard geometric cell \(D^n\) (e.g., a closed \(n\)-dimensional ball or an \(n\)-dimensional cube).

  3. Gluing Maps: For each pair of cells \(e_\alpha\) and \(e_\beta\), if their intersection is non-empty, there is a continuous map \(f_{\alpha\beta}: e_\alpha \cap e_\beta \to X\) such that the restriction of \(f_{\alpha\beta}\) to \(e_\alpha \cap e_\beta\) is a homeomorphism onto its image in \(X\).

The cells \(\{e_\alpha\}\) are often labeled with their dimensions, and the gluing maps capture how lower-dimensional cells are attached to higher-dimensional ones.

This definition allows for the creation of complex topological spaces by gluing together cells in a prescribed manner, providing a powerful framework for studying the topology and geometry of various mathematical objects.

Regular Cell Complexes#

A regular cell complex is a cell complex \(X\) such that each \(n\)-cell \(e_\alpha\) in \(X\) has a unique set of vertices \(\{v_{\alpha,1}, \ldots, v_{\alpha,k}\}\) that form the boundary of \(e_\alpha\), and any permutation of this set is also a set of vertices forming the boundary of \(e_\alpha\). Formally, for any \(i, j \in \{1, \ldots, k\}\), the cells \(e_\alpha\) and \(e_\beta\) have a common face if and only if \(\{v_{\alpha,1}, \ldots, v_{\alpha,k}\} = \{v_{\beta,1}, \ldots, v_{\beta,k}\}\).

This ensures that each \(n\)-cell has a consistent and unique arrangement of vertices along its boundary.

Cell Complexes in TopoNetX#

As mentioned earlier, a cell complex is a mathematical structure that is built up from simple building blocks called cells. These cells can be thought of as generalized versions of familiar shapes, such as points, line segments, triangles, and disks. By gluing these cells together in a prescribed way, one can create complex geometrical objects that are of interest in topology and geometry.

In TopoNetX (TNX), the class CellComplex supports building a regular or non-regular 2D cell complex. A cell complex is represented as a triplet

\[(V, E, C)\]

where \(V\) is a set of nodes, \(E\) is a set of edges, and \(C\) is a set of 2-cells. Each 2-cell \(C\) consists of a finite sequence of nodes \(C = (n_1, \ldots, n_k, n_1)\) with \(k \geq 2\). All edges between two consecutive nodes in \(C\) belong to \(E\). Regular cells have unique nodes in \(C\), whereas non-regular cells allow for duplication.

Intuition and Motivation:#

Cell complexes provide a flexible way to represent various mathematical objects, such as graphs, manifolds, and discrete geometric shapes. The motivation behind using cell complexes lies in their ability to capture the structure and properties of these objects in a way that is conducive to mathematical analysis.

For further reading on cell complexes, look at \([4]\).

Example of a Cell Complex#

Two examples of cell complexes can be seen below.

The diagram on the left is made up of vertices (0-cells) and edges (1-cells). The highest dimension cell in this example is a 1-cell so the dimension of this cell-complex is 1. This diagram has 6 1-cells and 5 0-cells.

The diagram on the right is made up of vertices (0-cells), edges (1-cells) and faces (2-cells). The highest dimension cell in this example is a 2-cell so the dimension of this cell-complex is 2. This diagram has 2 2-cells, 6 1-cells and 5 0-cells.


Example Continued#

[ ]:
example_1 = tnx.CellComplex()

example_1.add_cell([1, 2], rank=1)

example_1.add_cells_from([[1, 3], [2, 3], [2, 4], [3, 5], [4, 5]], rank=1)

Using this code creates the cell complex from the diagram on the left, for now we are calling this example_1.

The first line is the creation of the cell complex, printing this we can see that it is okay to have empty cell complexes.

Next we want to add the 1-cells and 0-cells, this can be done using the add_cell function on line 4 or the add_cells_from function on line 7.

The add_cell function is a way of adding individual cells, the rank is where you determine the dimension of the cell you are adding. This can be seen in comparing the first and second lines in the outputs, the cell complex goes from having 0 nodes, edges and 2-cells to having 2 nodes and 1 edge. This is because we have added the edge \([1,2]\) which is made of two nodes 1,2 and one edge that connects them.

The add_cells_from function is a way of adding multiple cells at once. This is done by defining a set of multiple cells with the function, instead of just an individual cell. Again, we need to define the rank of the cells, as this graph is just made up of nodes and edges the rank has always been 1. The addition of multiple cells can be seen in the difference between the second and third lines of the output, where there is an addition of 3 more nodes and 5 more edges. Comparing the third line of the output with the diagram, we can see that the code used to create example_1 does portray the left diagram above.

If we had a node without any vertices attatched to it, say the edges \([1,4]\) and \([1,3]\) did not exist, we could add the node labelled as 1 with

example_1.add_cell([1], rank = 0)

as the dimension of a node is 0.

[ ]:
example_2 = tnx.CellComplex()

example_2.add_cell([1, 2, 3], rank=2)

example_2.add_cells_from([[2, 4, 5, 3]], rank=2)

For the diagram on the right, the same approach is used. However, this time, we have 2-cells.

The first line, again, is creating the cell complex and naming it example_2.

The fourth line is using the previous add_cell function to add the 2-cell \([1, 2, 3]\). From the diagram we know it is a 2-cell because the face is coloured in red, from the code we know it is a 2-cell because we have set the rank equal to 2.

In the seventh line, we see that the add_cells_from function can be used for 2-cells too, and can be used even if only adding one.

Looking at the second line of the output, we can see that the addition of a 2-cell increases not only that but also the nodes and edges, because the 2-cell is made up of nodes and edges too.


Using the example from above titled example_2, we can look at using the incidence matrix \([3]\) to retrieve information about the cell complex. This is useful for retrieving information such as the list of edges and the list of 2-cells.

row, column, incidence_2 = example_2.incidence_matrix(rank=2, index=True)

We can see from the output there are 6 edges, just like the example_2 diagram, and they have been numbered 0 to 5. The numbering system allows us to know which edges we are referring to for the up-Laplacian and down-Laplacian later on.

Similarly, we have the two 2-cells, and numbering for both of them.


Definition up-Laplacian#

Rank 0:

A matrix of \(k \times k\) dimensions such that \(k\) is the number of 0-cells in the cell complex.

For i \(\neq\) j,

\(\mathcal{L}_{up}(i,j)\) = 0 if the i\(^{th}\) 0-cell is not incident to j\(^{th}\) 0-cell via a 1-cell incident to i\(^{th}\) 0-cell, \(\neq\) 0 if it is incident.

For i = j,

\(\mathcal{L}_{up}(i,j)\) = n \(\in \mathbb{N}\) if the i\(^{th}\) 0-cell is incident to n 1-cells.

Rank 1:

A matrix of \(k \times k\) dimensions such that \(k\) is the number of 1-cells in the cell complex.

For i \(\neq\) j,

\(\mathcal{L}_{up}(i,j)\) = 0 if the i\(^{th}\) 1-cell is not incident to j\(^{th}\) 1-cell via a 2-cell incident to i\(^{th}\) 1-cell, \(\neq\) 0 if it is incident.

For i = j,

\(\mathcal{L}_{up}(i,j)\) = n \(\in \mathbb{N}\) if the i\(^{th}\) 1-cell is incident to n 2-cells.

Example of up-Laplacian#

To look at the application of different functions, we will be using example_2 from above. We will also utilise the outputs of the incidence matrix to know which edges we may be referring to.

Looking at the diagram below we can follow the process of the up-Laplacian operator, this is an up-Laplacian of dimension 2 as it is going from edges to 2-cells back to edges.

So starting of with the diagram, we then choose an edge - in this case we have chosen the edge \([2,4]\). From the incidence matrix above, we know that this edge is edge numbered 3. Next, we go ‘up’ to the next dimension, of any 2-cells that are incident to this edge. In this case, it is incident to the 2-cell \([2, 4, 5, 3]\). Finally, we list the edges incident to the 2-cell \([2, 4, 5, 3]\) which are the edges \([2,3],[2,4],[3,5], [4,5]\). From the incidence matrix above we know that these are the edges numbered as 2, 3, 4 and 5.

This is seen in the matrix below titled laplacian_up_1, as the fourth row is referring to our edge \([2,4]\) and we can see there are non-zero entries in the 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th columns of this row as those are the edges incident via the up-Laplacian.

laplacian_up_1 = example_2.up_laplacian_matrix(rank=1).todense()

Looking at the printed up-Laplacian matrix there are a few things we can note to understand more about the information it is conveying.

The diagonal of the up-Laplacian matrix describes how many 2-cells are incident to that edge. This means that the element \([j,j]\) is how many 2-cells are incident to the j\(^{th}\) edge.

Looking at the matrix, we can see that the 0\(^{th}\) row has non-zero elements in the 0\(^{th}\), 1\(^{st}\) and 2\(^{nd}\) places, this shows that the 0\(^{th}\) edge \([1,2]\) is incident via a 2-cell to the edges \([1,2], [1,3], [2,3]\), which are the 0\(^{th}\), 1\(^{st}\) and 2\(^{nd}\) edges from our incidence matrix.

An up-Laplacian can have ranks of 0 and 1 because we can go ‘up’ from vertices for rank 0 and ‘up’ from edges for rank 1, but we cannot go ‘up’ from 2-cells.

up_laplacian_0 = example_2.up_laplacian_matrix(rank=0).todense()

This is the up-Laplacian of rank 0. This is looking ‘up’ from each vertex to its adjacent edges and then outputting the adjacent vertices to those edges. As example_2 has 5 vertices, this is a 5x5 matrix.


Definition of down-Laplacian#

Rank 1:

A matrix of \(k \times k\) dimensions such that \(k\) is the number of 1-cells in the cell complex.

For i \(\neq\) j,

\(\mathcal{L}_{down}(i,j)\) = 0 if the i\(^{th}\) 1-cell is not incident to j\(^{th}\) 1-cell via a 0-cell incident to i\(^{th}\) 1-cell, \(\neq\) 0 if it is incident.

For i = j,

\(\mathcal{L}_{down}(i,j)\) = n \(\in \mathbb{N}\) if the i\(^{th}\) 1-cell is incident to n 0-cells.

Rank 2:

A matrix of \(k \times k\) dimensions such that \(k\) is the number of 2-cells in the cell complex.

For i \(\neq\) j,

\(\mathcal{L}_{down}(i,j)\) = 0 if the i\(^{th}\) 2-cell is not incident to j\(^{th}\) 2-cell via a 1-cell incident to i\(^{th}\) 2-cell, \(\neq\) 0 if it is incident.

For i = j,

\(\mathcal{L}_{down}(i,j)\) = n \(\in \mathbb{N}\) if the i\(^{th}\) 2-cell is incident to n 1-cells.

Example of down-Laplacian#

Looking at the diagram below we can follow the process of the down-Laplacian operator, this is an down-Laplacian of dimension 1 as it is going from edges to vertices back to edges.

Similarly to the up-Laplacian, we choose an edge - in this case we have chosen the edge \([2,4]\). From the incidence matrix above, we know that this edge is edge 3. Next, we go ‘down’ to the next dimension, of any vertices that are incident to this edge. In this case, it is incident to the verticies \(2,4\). Finally, we list the edges incident to the verticies \(2,4\) which are the edges \([1,2], [2,3], [2,4], [4,5]\). From the incidence matrix above we know that these are the edges 0, 2, 3, 5.

This is seen in the matrix below titled down_laplacian_1, as the third row is referring to our edge \([2,4]\) and we can see there are non-zero elements in the 0\(^{th}\), 2\(^{nd}\), 3\(^{rd}\) and 5\(^{th}\) entries of this row as those are the edges incident via the down-Laplacian.

down_laplacian_1 = example_2.down_laplacian_matrix(rank=1).todense()

Looking at the 0\(^{th}\) row of this matrix, we can see that there are 4 non-zero entries in this row. This correlates to the example above as this row is representing the edge \([1,2]\). The non-zero entries relate to the edges that are numbered 0, 1, 2, 3 - in this case those are the edges \([1,2], [1,3], [2,3], [2,4]\).

The diagonal of this matrix is similiar to that of the up-Laplacian but instead describes how many objects of the dimension below it is incident to, so in this example the element \([j,j]\) describes how many vertices the j\(^{th}\) element is incident to.

A down-Laplacian can have ranks 1 and 2, this is because you can go ‘down’ to vertices from edges and ‘down’ to edges from 2-cells. However, there is nowhere to go ‘down’ to from vertices.

Hodge Laplacian#

Definition of Hodge Laplacian#

Hodge Laplacian matrix has entry \(\mathcal{L}_p(i,j)\), made from up-Laplacian values \(\mathcal{L}_{up}(i, j)\) and down-Laplacian values \(\mathcal{L}_{down}(i, j)\) such that

\(\mathcal{L}_p(i,j)\) = \(\mathcal{L}_{up}(i, j)\) + \(\mathcal{L}_{down}(i, j)\).

That is, any entry \((i,j)\) in the Hodge Laplacian matrix is generated by the addition of the equivalent \((i,j)\) values in the up-Laplacian and down-Laplacian matrices.

Relation of Hodge Laplacian to up-Laplacian and down-Laplacian#

From our definition of Hodge Laplacian, and given what we know about up-Laplacian and down-Laplacian, it may cause us to think about the fact that up-Laplacian only has ranks of 0 and 1 and that down-Laplacian only has ranks of 1 and 2. This means that when we are finding the Hodge Laplacian of rank 0, there are no \(\mathcal{L}_{down}(i, j)\) values to be added to \(\mathcal{L}_p(i,j)\). Similarly, for a Hodge Laplacian of rank 2, there are no \(\mathcal{L}_{up}(i, j)\) values to be added to \(\mathcal{L}_p(i,j)\). This leads to the following:

Hodge Laplacian rank 0: \(\mathcal{L}_p(i,j)\) = \(\mathcal{L}_{up}(i, j)\)

Hodge Laplacian rank 1: \(\mathcal{L}_p(i,j)\) = \(\mathcal{L}_{up}(i, j)\) + \(\mathcal{L}_{down}(i, j)\)

Hodge Laplacian rank 2: \(\mathcal{L}_p(i,j)\) = \(\mathcal{L}_{down}(i, j)\).

hodge_laplacian_0 = example_2.hodge_laplacian_matrix(rank=0).todense()

This is the Hodge Laplacian matrix of rank 0 for ‘example_2’. From our definition of Hodge Laplacian we know that this is just the up-Laplacian matrix of rank 0, and by directly comparing it to the up-Laplacian matrix above confirms this.

hodge_laplacian_1 = example_2.hodge_laplacian_matrix(rank=1).todense()

This is the Hodge Laplacian matrix of rank 1, which is the addition of the up-Laplacian and down-Laplacian matrices of rank 1.

Take entry \([0,0]\) which has a value of 3. This is because the down-Laplacian of rank 1 has a value of 2 and the up-Laplacian of rank 1 has a value of 1 for the \([0,0]\) entry.

hodge_laplacian_2 = example_2.hodge_laplacian_matrix(rank=2).todense()

This is the Hodge Laplacian matrix of rank 2, which is the same as the down-Laplacian matrix of rank 2. This is the smallest size matrix because it is based off of 2-cells, and example_2 only has two 2-cells resulting in a 2x2 matrix.


\([1]\) : Hajij, M., Istvan, K. and Zamzmi, G. (n.d.). CELL COMPLEX NEURAL NETWORKS. [online] Available at: https://arxiv.org/pdf/2010.00743.pdf [Accessed 10 Feb. 2023].

\([2]\) : Roddenberry, T., Schaub, M. and Hajij, M. (n.d.). SIGNAL PROCESSING ON CELL COMPLEXES. [online] Available at: https://arxiv.org/pdf/2110.05614v2.pdf [Accessed 17 Mar. 2023].

\([3]\) : www.scientificlib.com. (n.d.). Incidence matrix. [online] Available at: http://www.scientificlib.com/en/Mathematics/LX/IncidenceMatrix.html. [Accessed 3 Jan. 2023].

\([4]\) : Computational Topology (Jeff Erickson) Cell Complexes: Definitions. (n.d.). Available at: https://jeffe.cs.illinois.edu/teaching/comptop/2009/notes/cell-complexes.pdf [Accessed 17 Mar. 2023].